Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Not your mom's Christmas music!

To start off the magical month of December, I thought I'd show you a couple relatively new Christmas songs that aren't covers.  Oh yeah.

Snow Globe by Matt Wertz

Last Thursday all of Cedar City (and pretty much the rest of Utah) woke up to (almost) the first snow day of the year (we're not counting those ugly few days in early November).  I tromped happily through the foot or so of sparkly white stuff to class with this wonderful song playing in my ears.  Passersby probably thought I was nuts, perhaps because of the wide smile I couldn't wipe off my face.

Evergreen by Gavin Mikhail

This song is just beautiful.  It's so different from the iconic "traditional" Christmas music that we've all heard a million times, but it still communicates the spirit of the Christmas season in an amazing way.

The Christmas Song by Owl City

This is one of the only Christmas songs I know of that I could listen to any day of the year without any problem whatsoever.  It tells a story of peace and conviction, and once you know the words it's impossible not to sing along.  I'd by lying if I said it doesn't make me want to go walking somewhere and find someone to not-be-lonely with.  Hopeless romantic and proud.

Hug someone today.

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