Tuesday, August 16, 2011

My Testimony

Last week was Fast Sunday (the first Sunday of every month).  Every Fast Sunday, LDS church members get the opportunity to bear our testimonies in order to strengthen our own and others' faith.  I've always had a hard time talking in front of people, so naturally I don't take the chance as often as I should (or ever...) and it always bothers me.  So I'm going to use the power of the written word to share what I believe with you.

I know that Heavenly Father lives. I know that he loves me, and that he loves every single person who has ever or will ever live.  He knows every one of us by name, and he wants nothing more than to see us return to Him when this life is over.  He rejoices in our successes, and he is saddened by our pain.  But He knows that we must endure trials in order to solidify our faith and trust Him with everything we have in us.  The Lord will never give us trials we can't get through--that means that we have the power to get through anything life throws our way.  He will give us all the help we need if we will only ask and listen carefully for His answers.  He will never lead us the wrong way.

At times, I've tried to hide from His influence.  I've decided to put my own wants over what He knows is best for me, and I have regretted it every time.  Disobeying the Lord only leads to pain and suffering that brings me to my knees--right where I need to be.  I've also been angry with Him for causing things to happen in a way that I don't agree with.  But when that happens, I eventually find myself chastened and humbled by His infinite wisdom.

Everything happens for a reason.  Whether good or bad, every event I experience shapes who I am and teaches me things I could never learn otherwise.  We can truly learn from our mistakes, and we will never be perfect.  God doesn't want us to get comfortable--we must always be progressing one way or the other.  Life is a constant battle: our own wills vs. the Lord.  He will always have the right answers, and we (I) have no right to challenge His word.

For those who claim that following Heavenly Father is "blind obedience", I would like to share a quote from Spencer W. Kimball:

"When men obey commandments of a creator, it is not blind obedience.  How different is the cowering of a subject to his totalitarian monarch and the dignified, willing obedience one gives to his God.  The dictator is ambitious, selfish, and has ulterior motives.  God's every command is righteous, every directive purposeful, and all for the good of the governed.  The first may be blind obedience, but the latter is certainly faith obedience."

I know that if I put my life into God's hands, he will make me great.  He has amazing plans in store for me, and I won't stop fighting until I have made my mark on this world.

I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

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