Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A Discourse on Summer

If you could pick one song to sum up everything that is "summer," what would it be?  Can any one song, poem or picture really capture the running-through-the-sprinklers, driving-with-the-windows-down roller coaster that goes from May to August?

As it turns out, summer can be seen as a unique psychological phenomenon.  On the surface, it's one big long party where you can stay up as late as you want to without worrying about homework.  But may I venture an analysis of the deeper level of summer?


All right, then.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Dream House

Every day on my way to work, I pass by a bunch of old buildings in downtown Ogden.  If you've ever been there, you know what it looks like--rundown old pawn shops, bars, taco stands, autobody places, etc. surrounding a more civilized area (a few blocks square) with a train station, a few nice restaurants, and lots of little stores with over-the-top window displays.  In this area of town, the buildings are taller (3 or 4 stories) with stores on the bottom and apartments on the top.  These are classic big city apartments, complete with rusty old fire escapes, roof access, narrow staircases leading down to the street, and numerous windows.